Packitoo HIPE

C!Print 2023 conference: productivity and margins in the age of of automation.

We were at C!Print Lyon from January 31 to February 2 February 2023.

For the second year running, we were present at the Software Village, dedicated to supporting the digital transition of graphic arts companies.  

We took part in the "Productivity and profit margins: the graphic arts industry in the age of automation" conference, with other prestigious guests and presented by Jean-Michaël PEINCHINA, co-founder and CEO of Keybop Conseil. The conference video is available below.


Jean-Marc Goldstein - Director - E-Cervo
Laurent MASSOUTIER - Director - Vitasoft
Patrick BIDAULT - Business Manager ERP - Dataline
Guillaume POINEAU - CMO - Packitoo

Relive the "Productivity and profit margins margins: the graphic arts industry in the age of of automation".

During this conference, we tried to answer the following questions: 

  • What's the current state of the digital transition in the graphic arts industry?
  • What are their obstacles and reservations? 
  • What are the benefits of this transition? 


You can find all the answers by watching the conference. Here's a sneak preview:

  • Investing in your software park should have the same strategic importance as investing in your production processes, because it will save you time downstream and increase your revenues,
  • Simplifying your administrative processes (ERP, CRM) will facilitate the integration of your future employees, 
  • Boosting your sales and administrative flow will improve your profitability.

Click on the video below to (re)watch this C!Print 2023 conference:

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