Packitoo HIPE

Case study : Return on investment for HIPE, a time-saver for your teams.

Cartonnages Dedemain" employs ten people in its sales, sales administration, quotation, methods and design departments. With sales of 7 million euros, the company handles around 2,000 custom packaging projects every year. Each of these projects represents a customer brief, with different options for construction, finish and logistical and purchasing conditions. On average, 4 prizes are awarded to the customer for each project. This means that 8,000 awards, 6,000 customer round trips, 2,000 die-cuts and design layouts and 1,000 mock-ups are produced each year, ultimately generating sales of 7 million euros.

"Cartonnages Dedemain" wanted to simplify and automate its sales processes. It contacted the Packitoo team to adapt the HIPE tool to its specific needs (know-how, machine park, unique commercial offer, workflow and internal practices).

To this end, it is investing €63,500:

  • 30,000€ for specific development of the HIPE tool
  • 5,000 in training for internal users (sales, sales reps, estimates, methods, account administrator)
  • 28,500€ for 2-year subscription for 10 users

A few weeks later, the complete, tailor-made HIPE solution was delivered, implemented and connected to existing information systems.

Over the year (twelve months rolling) that followed, the 10-strong team greatly boosted productivity, eliminating the time-consuming and repetitive tasks associated with the complex business of selling made-to-measure packaging. On average, each project now takes an hour less to complete:

  • 45% of prices are automatically formulated by HIPE Pro ;
  • Quotations for the remaining 55% are submitted with a collective time saving of around 45 minutes per project.

In all, 2,000 working hours are saved over the period.

On average, Cartonnages Dedemain pays €50 for each hour worked.

Let's do the math:

  • 2000h of work at 50€/h are saved, i.e. 100 000€ over 12 months or 200 000€ over 24 months
  • To which we add the full investment of €63,500 for the same period.
  • In all, Cartonnages Dedemain saved €136,500 over 24 months - its return on investment (ROI).


Cartonnages Dedemain" only needs 7.6 months to pay back its investment in the HIPE solution.

Better still, Packitoo HIPE has smoothed out the payments over 24 months. "Cartonnages Dedemain" therefore pays around €2,650 each month, for a monthly saving of €8,333, corresponding to the time saved by the entire team. The ROI is therefore immediate, once the solution has been implemented.

You too can calculate your ROI using your market data and our price list.

Please note:

- The ROI here does not take into account the increase in sales achieved by the Cartonnages Dedemain sales teams, due to their greater, and sometimes instantaneous, responsiveness in delivering their price quotations, nor the increased time taken by the sales team to develop the customer portfolio.

- This case study corresponds to the average data recorded from HIPE customers.