Packitoo HIPE

Packi'talks #3: Jacques Daquin, President of Cartonnages Gourio

Packi'talks DNA 🎙️

The transformation of our industry is accelerating: new standards, new uses, digital workshops, digitalization of customer relations, E-Commerce, Web-to-Pack... the packaging industry is in the midst of a revolution. 

In this podcast, we'll discuss this topic with those who make up the packaging industry of today and tomorrow, to inspire you in your own digital and managerial transformation. 

Jacques Daquin, our new guest

"In 7 years, I've unfolded my plan in 3 stages.

Firstly, people, because we manufacturers have the same raw materials, the same machines and the same customers, so the only way to differentiate ourselves is through people (...). The second point is the digitization of our companies (...), which absolutely has to be part of a well-thought-out strategy, and so we've changed the entire IT system (...). And thirdly, we mustn't forget that we're an industry (...) we've invested 1.5 million euros in mainly European machines (...), and having European manufacturers means we can be sure of extremely rapid repairs and of being very agile. These 3 points are at the service, in our business, of three strategic axes, which are: small and medium production runs, complexity and service."

Jacques Daquin - with 30 years' experience in the cardboard industry - took over Cartonnages Gourio in 2016, a Breton cardboard manufacturer based in Pommeret (22).

Today, the company is at the cutting edge of technology, and has undergone a series of technical, IT and digital transformations in order to reach a wider target and go faster and further. Manufacturing with 99% French raw materials, the company makes a point of adopting a responsible CSR approach. In keeping with its commitment to local development, the company supplies over 800 customers in Brittany

In this podcast, Jacques Daquin talks - among other things - about the company's renewal and vision, the determinants of successful computerization and digitization, and Cartonnages Gourio 's ability to adapt to new social and environmental constraints

The podcast is now available on all platforms:

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