Packitoo HIPE

Packi'Talks: the podcast that explores the packaging industry

Packi'Talks DNA 🎙️

The transformation of our industry is accelerating. New standards, new uses, digital workshops, digitalization of customer relations, E-commerce, Web-to-Pack, etc. The packaging industry is undergoing a revolution!

In this podcast, Packi'Talks, we discuss these topics with those who make up the packaging industry of today and tomorrow to inspire you in your own digital and managerial transformation.

Corinne Loustalet, our new guest

The customer stops me, tells me that he knows that we manufacturers "are all the best", but that what interests him is going very fast!

Corinne Loustalet co-founded our company and manages the operations of our marketplace Packitoo Connect.

In this podcast, we'll be talking about a meeting, business creation, digital transformation and the place of packaging in the strategy of manufacturers. 

The podcast is available on all platforms, click below to choose the one you prefer:

Listen or listen again to our Packi'talks episodes:


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