Grants and subsidies for the digital for the digital transformation of packaging 2023 Edition
Updated on 01/12/2022.
Since 2020, the French government has been speeding up the implementation of measures to stimulate the economy through local, national and European stimulus plans.
In 2023, what kind of aid and subsidies will France's SMIs, ETIs and major packaging groups still receive?

From diagnosis to integration of digital solutions
Support for the digital transformation of manufacturers in France covers upstream analysis and strategic consulting, the implementation and/or purchase of digital solutions, and training for both users and managers.
We have tried to list the various subsidies, repayable advances, loans, tax incentives and other aids in the following paragraphs. Not exhaustive, these aids differ from region to region, and our financing experts can help you to identify the most appropriate aids for your strategy and ambitions.
1. The players and assistance available for digital transformation
The initiative France Num initiative has been extended until December 2023, and aims to support companies in all sectors in developing their business with digital technology. The initiative provides a range of assistance, from free diagnostics provided by CCIs and Chambres des métiers, to lending organizations. To find out more about the range of assistance available, region by region: https: //,%C3%A0%20hauteur%20de%2070%20%25%20maximum.
For industrial SMEs (3 to 50 employees), it is possible to apply for a "Prêt Croissance TPE" from €10,000 to €50,000 to finance their digital transformation; without personal surety or guarantee. More details: https: //
2. Industry 4.0 players and proposed assistance
The French regions are also involved in financing the industry of the future, through subsidies and repayable advances. We invite you to get in touch with your region.
Since 2018, the state has set aside a budget of 80 million euros to co-finance consulting programs for transformation to the industry of the future set up by the Regional Councils. These programs are tailored to each region and generally include a diagnosis of the company's situation, an action plan and support in implementing these actions with the help of specialized consultants.
Find out more: https: //,industrie%20modernis%C3%A9e%20et%20plus%20comp%C3%A9titive%20!
3. Other financing solutions
In addition to subsidies, repayable grants and loans (from the State, Regions, CCI and CMA, BPI France), there are also financing solutions to strengthen your equity capital.
As the FRPME can no longer be mobilized, we can help you find this type of scheme at local level.
4. Training aids
The program France Num program offers free training courses to help small and medium-sized businesses sell online, develop their online presence and secure their computer data. For more details depending on your region or business sector: https: //
The assistance available also depends on your status, and can be used to finance all or part of the effort required for your transformation. You'll find all the help you need at: https: //
On the same principle, it is possible to apply for these grants to finance the costs of HIPE coaching and training. For example, we use Grafipolis, a Qualiopi-certified training center, to deliver all our training courses.
5. Aids awaiting renewal
Support for investments in transformation towards the industry of the future, provided by the ASP (Agence de Services et de Paiement), closed at the end of 2021. We hope it will be renewed: https: //
Until 2021, thetax incentive of the digital suramortissement was equivalent to reducing the taxable profits of an industrial company by up to 40% of the expenditure linked to its digital transformation: https: //
If you know of or benefit from other aids that you suggest we list in this article, or if you would like further information, please contact us by clicking below: